The Alexander and Helene Braunhart Family

With great appreciation to Laraine Sweberg and Miriam Brunn for providing this photo of most of the family of Alexander and Helene Braunhart:

Alexander Braunhart Helene Baszynska Jacob Frieda Cecelia Selma Philip Carl Theodor Martha Anna

If you notice, the names of the family members are written at the bottom of the photo. This must have been taken in 1903 or 1904 since Frieda Braunhart, the toddler in the photo, was born in 1902.

Now the question remains - where is Julius Braunhart and Moritz Braunhart and where is Philipp Braunhart? In their Uncle Samuel Braunhart's will, Julius and Moritz are mentioned as is Bernhard, but Philipp is not, which leads one to believe that possibly Philipp and Bernhard are the same person.

The mystery continues!

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