Family Map

Below is a map of some of the cities where our ancestors were born and resided:

View Germany and Poland Locations in a larger map

A legend of locations and family names follows:

Szubin (also known as Schubin) - Braunhart and Bernstein Families
Chodziez (Kolmar or Chodsiesen) - Raphael Family
Szezecin (Stettin) - Jacob Braunhart born here
Strzelno (Streino) - Helene Baszynzka Braunhart born here
Gostyn - Marks Family
Poznan - Heyman Family
Cottbus - Cecelia Braunhart lived and died here
Krakow - Markheim and Metzner Families
Berlin - Several Braunhart family members lived and are buried here. Several still live here.

This is a work in progress.  More families and locations will be added.


Below is a map of the residences for the Braunhart family in Berlin, Germany between 1922 and 1943:

View Braunharts In Berlin in a larger map

Holzmarktstraße 50a Erdg.
Alexander Braunhart 1924 - 1939, Philipp Braunhart 1925
Blumenstraße 90 H III
Carl Braunhart 1922 - 1926
Markgrafenstraße 16 IV
Theodor Braunhart 1929 - 1931
Lortzingstraße 42 Erdg. T. Humb. 8955
Karl Braunhart 1925 - 1934
Scharnweberstraße 25
Philipp Braunhart 1930 - 1931
Scharnweberstraße 44 Erdg.
Philipp Braunhart 1926
Kinzigstraße 34-35
Philipp Braunhart 1927 - 1929
Eisenbahnstraße 33, 34
Philipp Braunhart - 1932 - 1943
Brunnenstraße 76
Carl Braunhart 1935 - 1939, Hedwig Braunhart 1940
Germaniastraße 101a
Theodor Braunhart 1933 - 1939